Server-side Events


Pages relating to Server-side Events in the Grid Builder.

OnGridInitialize Event

This event fires when the Grid is initialized. It also fires when the Grid is re-initialized after a session has expired. If you want to override a Grid property, use the OnGridExecute event.

OnGridExecute Event

This event fires every time the Grid is executed. This includes every Ajax callback.

CanSearch Event

This Event fires when a search is initiated. You can cancel the search using this event.

BeforeSearchSave Event

This event fires after user has clicked the Save button to save a search, before the search is actually saved. It allows you to define a value for the 'userId' and 'securityGroup' field for the repository record where the Search will be saved.

BeforeSearchLoad Event

This event fires before the query to retrieve saved searches is executed. It allows you to set a filter value for either the 'userId' or 'securityGroup' fields to limit list of saved searches that are presented to the user.

OnSearchPartFilterCompute Event

This event fires after user has clicked Submit to submit the Search part, and after the Search Filter has been computed, but before the Search is executed. It allows you to modify the Search Filter.

OnTitlesRender Event

This event allows you to inject HTML into the Grid part as the Grid titles row is being rendered on the server.

OnBeforeExistingRowsRender Event

This event allows you to inject HTML into the Grid part as the Grid is being rendered on the server. This event fires before any existing rows (as opposed to new record rows) are rendered.

OnExistingRowRender Event

This event allows you to inject HTML into the Grid part as the Grid is being rendered on the server. This event fires when each existing row (as opposed to new record rows) is rendered.

OnAfterExistingRowsRender Event

This event allows you to inject HTML into the Grid part as the Grid is being rendered on the server. This event fires after any existing rows (as opposed to new record rows) are rendered.

OnInitialValueCalculate Event

This event fires before the New Record rows are displayed.

OnGridPartRender Event

This event fires after all of the HTML for the Grid Part has been computed. It allows you to modify the HTML that was computed.

OnGroupHeaderRender Event

This event fires when a Group Header is rendered. It allows you to inject HTML either before, or after the Group Header HTML, or modify the Group Header HTML computed by Alpha Anywhere. Group Headers are displayed if you turn on the 'Has group breaks' property.

OnGroupFooterRender Event

This event fires when a Group Footer is rendered. It allows you to inject HTML either before, or after the Group Footer HTML, or modify the Group Footer HTML computed by Alpha Anywhere. Group Footer are displayed if you turn on the 'Has group breaks' property.

OnAfterNewRowsRender Event

This event allows you to inject HTML into the Grid part as the Grid is being rendered on the server. This event fires after all new record rows are rendered.

OnSummarySectionRender Event

This event allows you to inject HTML into the Grid part as the Grid is being rendered on the server.

BeforeSummarySectionRender Event

This event allows you to dynamically set the inline style property for summary values. For example, you can display a 'total' in red if it is above a certain value or in green if it is below a certain value.

ShowRowExpanderIcon Event

This event fires when an existing row is rendered, if the row has a Row Expander. If the function returns .t., the Expander icon is show. Otherwise, it is hidden.

onDetailViewRender Event

This event fires when the Detail View section is rendered. It allows you to inject HTML into the Detail view, or replace the Detail View body with HTML that you compute.

BeforeValidateExistingRecords Event

This event fires before data in existing records are validated but after the user has pressed the Submit button to update or delete existing records.

BeforeValidateNewRecords Event

This event fires before data in new records are validated but after the user has pressed the Submit button to insert new records.

CanUpdateRecord Event

This event fires before an update is made to an existing record.

CanInsertRecord Event

This event fires before a new record is inserted.

CanDeleteRecord Event

This event fires before an existing record is deleted.

AfterUpdateRecords Event

This event fires after the user presses the Submit button to update the database. If the user submits multiple edited rows at once, this event is fired after all updates have been performed.

AfterUpdateRecord Event

This event fires after the user has updated a record.

AfterInsertRecord Event

This event fires after the user has inserted a record.

AfterDeleteRecord Event

This event fires after the user has deleted a record.

OnExpandRow Event

This event fires when the user clicks the icon to expand a row in the Grid.

OnPageRedirect Event

This event fires just before a page redirect occurs after data has been submitted (without errors.)

OnWriteConflict Event

Fires when a write conflict occurs.

onSQLExecuteError Event

In a Grid component against a SQL database, when you do an Insert, Update, or Delete, the SQL Database might send back an error. Typically the error message is not very friendly. The onSQLExecuteError event allows you to intercept the error and show a friendlier error to the user.

onBeforeSQLCommandExecute and onAfterSQLCommandExecute Events

In a Grid component that is based on a SQL database, the Insert, Update and Delete SQL statements that are executed when a user inserts, updates or deletes a record are automatically computed by Alpha Anywhere. In some cases, a user might want more control over how these SQL statements are executed, or might want to use stored procedures to insert, update or delete records.

onSQLCountQuery Event

Fires when the Grid needs to count the records in the current Grid query. If you want to base the Grid on a stored procedure you need to use this event to compute the number of records in the Grid.

onSQLSelectQuery Event

Fires when the Grid needs select records to display in the Grid. If you want to base the Grid on a stored procedure you can use this event to return a resultset to the Grid.

onSQLSummaryValuesQuery Event

Fires when the Grid has to compute summary values. Only fires if one or more columns in the Grid has summary values.

onSQLRefreshRowQuery Event

Fires when the Grid needs to select the current row in the Grid to refresh it.